Only the best as the only best. Political sociology, Analogy.
Only the best as the
only best. Political sociology, Analogy.
By Dr. Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded
by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there
can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is
not for the sake of criticism.
Good essay has each paragraph almost as an essay in miniature.
To prove assertion that is based on considerable thought
and evidence the assertion without reason, one needs greater thought and
Cherry picking
Political marketing through
only the best as only best
Cheery picking means picking only the best;
however only the best is different from only best. When one picks from all
available objects only the best, there can be second best or the better but
different best. He, no doubts, picks only the best but it is not the only best thing
available. Political marketing consultant carefully sorts
through material (debates, articles, speeches) looking for hidden value so to
quote only those points which are compatible with his own arguments. He picks
only the best and creates an impression that the best he has picked is the only
best or that as he picks only the best so it is the only best.
Political marketing
through political sociology
Political marketing consultant uses the major
theoretical frameworks of political sociologist such as pluralism, elite or managerial
theory, class analysis overlapping with Marxist analysis to prove that social inequality
and trends outside the formal institutions of political power influence socio-political
formation of the modern state and determine Who rule, rendering elections
Political marketing
consultant applies the finding of research of political sociologist in
constructing material that justifies non-democratic government or ruler who as
it is claimed is dedicated to change major social trends and change the way
social forces work together to affect politics because as long as it is not
done election is no more than a contest among competing interest groups.
Political marketing
through Analogy
Political marketing consultant knows that analogies
are neither true nor false; instead they come in degree from near identity to
extreme dissimilarity. No analogy is perfect, he understands, otherwise there
would not be two analogous objects, but only one, and the relation would be one
of identity not analogy. Hw capitalizes on ‘some difference’ or ‘some similarity’
between analogs for two purpose:
There is always some difference between any two
persons, no matter how similar. Some difference is extended to a point that two
appears not analogs or analogous persons.
There is always some similarity between any two
persons, no matter how different. Some similarity is extended to a point that relations
of two appear one of analogy.
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