
Showing posts from May, 2014

Observations on value of waiting

Observations on value of waiting   By  Dr. Sohail Ansari Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words). He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism. ( Harold Schweizer , the 2010-11 John P. Crozer Professor of English in Bucknell University talks about the value of waiting; he has the intellectual cachet and his concept of waiting has wide currency; however, I have my own  observations to make) Bucknell University Reposted June 23, 2011 LEWISBURG, Pa. —   Harold Schweizer , the 2010-11 John P. Crozer Professor of English, talks about the value of waiting in an impatient world.  Q: In a recent   talk , you said that what has value must be waited for. Yet with all our technology aimed at instant gratification, how can we learn to value the concept of waiting for anything? ‘The notion of value depends on our own investment in an obje

Communication scholar.. a mathematician, Why we fail to hear text, Points to ponder, Fallacy of lurking variable, Fallacy of true conclusion that is not logically guaranteed by the premise, Subtly embedded fallacy, Converse error fallacy, Invalidity with a counterexample with true premises but an obviously false conclusion, Superficially convincing fallacy

Communication scholar.. a mathematician, Why we fail to hear text, Points to ponder, Fallacy of lurking variable, Fallacy of true conclusion that is not logically guaranteed by the premise, Subtly embedded fallacy,  Converse error fallacy, Invalidity with a counterexample with true premises but an obviously false conclusion,  Superficially convincing fallacy   By  Dr. Sohail Ansari Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words). He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism. ·        Adversity brings you to many things you do not know about yourself. ·        For branding a reformer as heretic the contribution of his to the revision of theory must be abused than acknowledged. ·        Concepts cannot be misconstrued if the meanings of vocabulary we employ in constructing them are established by their successfully denoting particular things.

Knowing God by not knowing Him; Points to ponder; Emotiveness by the absence of polarization; Fallacy of correlation equals causation

Knowing God by not knowing Him; Points to ponder; Emotiveness by the absence of polarization; Fallacy of correlation equals causation By  Dr. Sohail Ansari Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words). He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism. ·       Only two players play tennis but 24 players play football. Much larger crowd of spectators watch foot ball than the crowd that watch tennis; therefore more players cause more crowd. Knowing God by not knowing Him ·        Whenever I attempt to decode God so that I can have the mark or sign of His identification I always fail and always this failure reminds me of the famous poet of Urdu who said ‘whenever I think of God, I do not understand Him, so I understand that this (His existence beyond physical perception) is His mark of identification. This sign of God can signify by helping us inter

Oscar Wilde must know that Same can be different

Oscar Wilde must know that Same can be different By  Dr. Sohail Ansari Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words). He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism. ·       A child is rightly diagnosed by a doctor but parents trying to prevent a child from being stigmatized with the diagnosis continue to visit doctors till they hear the answer different from the one they know to be the right answer. Oscar Wilde must know that Same can be different ·         Law is the means to an end but becomes the blunt instrument when means become the end. For theft Islam prescribes amputation of hand as the punishment. Amputation is the means to an end that is to restrain people form theft). Law is blind (and it must be) in a sense that it applies to everyone regardless of his status; gender and age; but law is not blind (and it must not be) in a sense

Analysis of rebuttal; Fallacies; Better to be a leopard than a fox.

Analysis of rebuttal; Fallacies; Better to be a leopard than a fox.   By  Dr. Sohail Ansari Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words). He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism. Three different statements: ·       Every journalist is not a columnist and every columnist is not a journalist. ·       Every columnist is a journalist, but every journalist is not a columnist. ·       Every journalist is a columnist; but every columnist is not a journalist.   Analysis of rebuttal ·         GRE and GMAT have the section ‘analysis of an argument’. Candidates are to examine the passage for its logical inconsistencies or flaws. I feel that it would be much better if GRE and GMAT have the section ‘analysis of rebuttal’; rebuttal should be done by the book and candidate is asked to have it analysis. It is more demanding and more interesting