Parties need culture; Stimuli and elaboration; Quotes

Parties need culture; Stimuli and elaboration; Quotes By Dr. Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism.
·       Images do not need to be false to mislead, they are genuine, they just do not show the things that the person using them say they do.
·       I believe my leader is great because he says so. I question my detractor that why they believe an argument that takes its proof from a factor within the argument itself, rather than from an external one.   
Parties needs culture to survive
·       Parties are born and die. Only those endure those create culture. This culture is made up of meanings between hard core voters__ bed rock of party’s electorate base__ and leaders of party. These meanings depict sign and symbols that are encoded in everyday objects. Images, words, and slogan are used to create the ‘personality for the signifier’ (product\object) and has signified in it the mental concept. Signifier has sometimes the personality of its own already (need no images or anything to create it). The denotative, for example a sword, that it is a weapon\instrument used by soldier; and connotative meaning is its deep and hidden meaning (chivalry). Workers of PPP understand the deep meaning of blood on altar and of Jamat Islami of sheet that covers a woman.   
Stimuli and message
·       Associating product that is perceived masculine with woman and famine with man so that characteristics of stimuli decreases the elaboration of the message. Picture depicting Benazir Bhutto wielding a sword and lines say “Do you want woman to defend your country” or Nawaz holding a lipstick with lines ‘Nation need man that has qualities of man’
Quotable Quotes
·       If we know already that roses are with thorns, neither we would be not grateful that thorns bear flowers nor complain that roses have thorns.
·       Often the only relationship between two events is that they occur at the same time and it leads to many fallacies.

·       Coded criticism is the phrasing of statement so that it contains no more information than the statement, though; intended criticism is always implicitly there.   
