Atheist owes an explanation. Match maker.

Atheist owes an explanation. Match maker.
By Dr. Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism.
Atheist owes an explanation for replacing not provable with false.  
Many things unknown hardly a century ago are known today because of the innovation and sophistication in technology. Every scientist or every enlightened individual knows and understands that things existed long before their discovery. Failure to prove as everyone believes cannot be the proof of non-existence. I am desperately at a loss to understand that how faith can be the enemy of logic as many of my friends those happen to be the people of logic tell me so. These friends of mine are the people of rationality; therefore, they are fully alive to the impossibility of replacing not provable with false; but these rational friends of mine are not different from irrationally biased fellows in rejecting things beyond physical perception. Things can be true but unprovable as they say; however, religion is to be provable to be true. Strange but true. 
Political marketing consultant is the match maker

People regard their affiliation with a leader as a fluid milieu of temporary associations. Bush senior had no reaping of the dividends of the victory in Gulf war; and the hero of war became irrelevant during the peace. Political marketing consultant is to be match maker by constructing props for the ball__ sets of masks for leader by using problems as frame so that as frames changes so the masks. 


  1. i really like dr sohail ansari's thought about the Atheist. the idea that if you can not prove certain mystery does not mean that it never exists in the first place. at times humanity requires ample time to recognize and endorse ideas, concepts and beings that they earlier denounced.
    we as thinkers need to accommodate opinions of every kind and instead of refuting these should comment logically on these. Religion; however absurd concept it may seem,is inherent within us and should be expressed extrovertly with mind soothing logics or else it will be taken as nothing but figment of absurd imagination

    zulfiqar ali nahyon


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