Clearly defined but inconclusive

By Prof Dr. Sohail Ansari
Doctors are sad to know that people are free from disease and politicians are   sad to know that people are free from troubles; therefore they give advice to people to get into trouble to be relevant.
“So then is he who is a true believer similar to the person who is an open sinner – never can these two be considered as equal.
 Surah al-Sajdah (32), Verse 81.
Clearly defined but not restrained by definite limits 

Empirical evidence that underlies the main tenets of the theory gives it the specific orientation; and its inherent open-endedness accounts for its vaguely formulated part.

Assumptions are to be true for paradigm to be true 

·       Paradigms, as it is believed, prove to be constitutive of all scientific activity; therefore, determine what to attend to and what to ignore. True, if fundamental assumptions (about the nature of the universe) those are constitutive of paradigms are true. 
