Trinity: NLP

Trinity: NLP By Dr. Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism.

·       Intentional vagueness is the art of controlling thought by preventing people from questioning the directions and intentions of decisions.  
Trinity: NLP

(Neuro for perception;Linguistic for language; and P for programming) 
·        NLP is a manipulative psycho-technique of group dynamics and hypnosis. NLP penetrates the mind ‘through P (perception) by L (linguistic messages) to change P (unconscious patterns)’. NLP is the collection of communication and modification techniques ‘to change person deep into the core of his identity and uses lulling or hypnotizing word-husks to prevent reflection and render people receptive and open. In such a state of mind, they cease to think and are prepared to let any unconscious reactions and processes simply happen.’
Reframing is one of the main techniques of NLP. ‘Concepts that originally had a positive or negative meaning, evoking positive and negative emotions, are brought into a totally new frame or context where they lose their original significance. These positive and negative emotions that go with these words are passed on to the new context, too’. During the movement for freedom of judiciary and restoration of chief justice of Pakistan, ministers of (General Musraff) carefully instructed by spin doctors shouted emphatically, into the public: ‘People want jobs and progress not the restoration of Judiciary’. The shout of ministers implied that this movement was creating problems for government dedicated to providing jobs to people. Lulling word-husk ‘job’ and ‘progress’ transferred their positive emotional coloring to work of government and painted all those creating problem for government in dark color (spin doctors of government could borrow from the SWISS advertisement campaign in favor of the extension of free movement treaty: The huge advertisements that hung everywhere displaying an apple tree divided into two halves: one half symbolizing government bears abundant leaves and fruit and while the other half shows but dreary bare branches.)  
Cozy words were applied for reframing and because of their pleasant tone of emotions listeners did not ask for exact information such as the measures government had taken to provide jobs and progress or be there will be jobs and progress with or without government.
PR experts or communication experts or spin doctors are hired to create hypnotizing words to create atmosphere of eagerness, awakening or anticipation. Government of Pakistan felt the need to declare Sunday the day of holiday and change Islamic law. Sophisticated media strategy was created with the help of messages: ‘Change the day changes many things’; Islam once again becomes the guiding force’; ‘See the Islam once again in life’. Ministers and even prime minister wrote a personal letter to the editor-in- chief to help government in their noble mission and thus media become instrumental in spreading the spin.
Workers of PPP demanding the arrest of the killers of Benazir Bhutto were showered with lulling word/phrases-husks or hypnotizing phrases such as ‘future not past’. Religious scholars help to push the phrase-husk: ‘God loves forgiveness’ and Benazir herself: ‘Democracy is the best revenge’. Ministers started to say that as democracy was restored and Benazir herself had said that democracy is the best revenge so there was no need to take any other revenge such as punishing killers.    
