Everything is everything else, Points to ponder

Everything is everything else, Points to ponder 
By Dr. Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism.

·       The meaning of revolution is its meaning for an ordinary man; the study analyzing its impact must analyze it by personality analysis.    
·        Perennially optimist sees the joy in every pain and perennially pessimist pain in every joy.   

Everything is everything else 
·        Vagueness is  opposite of specific; we term a statement vague in case we fail to figure out what it means; however a view that everything is everything else if accepted so whatever one is doing, one is also doing the opposite. This view contradicts accepted opinion but appeals by its seeming correction of conventional wisdom; hence every statement that is an apparently self-contradictory even absurd is found to contain a truth reconciling the conflicting opposites and is useful as the instrument of instruction because of the wonder it engenders; war thus is peace, freedom is slavery, waking is dreaming, belief is doubt, joy is pain and death is life. These paradoxes are literary devices mesmerizing us by their hypnotic power, by their negation of rational processes, making the language of literature the language of paradox.  
Points to ponder 
·     A proof is cognitive and an argument is a praxeologic concept. A proof changes or substantiates our knowledge; an argument determines or de-determines us to act.   
·     There are two categories of analysis: objective and subjective. There can be one more (a bit unorthodox though): the analysis of a poet as a poet; and a poet as a human being who does poetry.  
·     We have two extremes: we either want to study a subject as a stand-alone subject or want to get the comprehensive knowledge of all subjects. Dentists must know the functions of other organs of a body but as much as they are related to teeth.  
