Letters could de-divinize; Democracy not end in itself.
Letters could de-divinize;
Democracy not end in itself.
By Dr.
Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded
by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there
can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is
not for the sake of criticism.
Journalists prove by adopting the key statements of the politicians
that their ability to reproduce these statements is more marked than their ability
to provide facts.
The effectiveness of propaganda lies in its believablity
and much of its believablity lies in the exaggeration of not false but real.
Letters could de-divinize
Marx, the father of a great revolution, was
divinized; but creation of this philosopher into the image of god constituted
the insurmountable impediment to any effort to the revision of his philosophy. Writings
of Marx were understandably beyond the millions of his adoring followers; and
this inaccessibility contributed further to the image: human only in forms. Letters
could help; publishing hundreds of letters written by Marx to his friends not
only could reveal Marx as human beings in his relations to his friends but also
these letter could make him a philosopher of a common man as these letters
contained succinctly formulated insights that frequently made a point more
clearly and convincingly than more ponderous treatments in his work.
Democracy is not the end
in itself
Democracy gives equal right to vote and that must
lead to the democracy of consumption; but means become the end in themselves
and create the illusion of equality. Democracy is not only compatible with
Islam, but a natural outcome of its basic assumptions; means can lead to ends
only when there is the rational allocation of resources that is possible only
under a planned Islamic economy.
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