Social media and our true self, points to ponder, Quotable quotes, The medium is the message, political marketing through beyond the sentence boundary, Political marketing through phrases, Political marketing through non-linguistic meaning, Excellent ads.

Social media and our true self, points to ponder, Quotable quotes, The medium is the message, political marketing through beyond the sentence boundary, Political marketing through phrases, Political marketing through non-linguistic meaning, Excellent ads. By Dr. Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism
(We can develop the meaning of the thoughts of others by observing their habits of actions.)

Social media and our true self
·        Actor walks into a character and actor is left behind; and writer walks into a character so that each character can speak for itself. Ghost writer or speech writer sublimates himself to people they work for; the art of theirs lies in creating words those must seem belonging to others; words must seem the natural and spontaneous expressions of others’ feelings: fake people have to produce genuine feelings peculiar to people knowing that these are not theirs. Abandoning oneself is a conscious choice; the deliberate attempt to fulfill the needs of genres; but every writer has his own identity and every actor has his own individuality; each possesses his own personality: they are simply compartmentalized between professional and personal lives.
                   Social media poses the grave danger for our identity. We create versions of ourselves in the twitter, face book, and other digital platforms. This disconnect interferes our relationships with ourselves and add turmoil to our lives. We wear various masks, and wear them so long that our faces ultimately grow to them; we have then many faces but no face. The fluidity of ourselves has turned us into the amorphous mass with no identity at all. The one on line is in conflict with the one at the dinner table, creating the split-personality; but the problems grows graver and more intractable when the ‘various ones on line’ are in conflict with each others, and each part has its own identity and each fake part produces genuine feelings believing that these feelings genuinely belong to it.
                   Modern societies have people of distorted identities; individual with no individuality and persons with no personalities. Connectivity has improved a great deal and barriers of time and space have fallen because of social media; social media has, no doubt, changed human interaction but sadly it has changed humans as well.
Points to ponder
·        Every scientist is educated enough to know that each discipline is subject to its own assumptions, dimension of analysis, and methodologies; they, therefore never say that monkey is not the father of human beings because religion thinks differently; however, many don’t practice religion saying that there is not a scintilla of truth in their beliefs because they cannot be proved scientifically.
·        The love of God reflects in His obedience; depends on how it might lead us to act; not merely under such circumstances as are likely to arise, but under such as might possibly occur, no matter how improbable they may be.
·        Our idea of anything is our idea of its conceived sensible effects; things beyond the grip of senses exist but do not exist for us.
·        ‘Tarnow defines the meaningfulness of a stimulus is to look at the slope of the response time versus response probability line’; however, this can be true for audience open to message because intended audience do turn a deaf ear to well-calibrated message because of prejudice and vested interest.
 Quotable quotes
·        We afford a cheater an opportunity to cheat again when we believe that he will not cheat again.
·        Diction enables writer to define the difference between two things through application of two different words. Creativity enables writer to define the difference between two things through different application of same word.
The medium is the message
·       ‘The medium is the message’ Marshall Mcluhan’s idea that the medium which is used to communicate carries with it information; for example; one meaning of the light bulb might be the idea of being able to read during the night’. This dictum is explained by the consequentialist theory of meaning: message is the consequence that arises from the fact that the medium has become popular. Medium carries information for the consumers, advertising through newspaper gives an idea that audience are able to read.
Political marketing through beyond the sentence boundary
·       ‘Careful talk’; ‘well-measured words’; calculated sentences’ offer zero scope for distortion. Political marketing consultant uses language beyond the sentence boundary. He relocates sentences with in text to create a different context or interpolates words to create a new context so that context not text reveals the true intention of a speaker.
Political marketing through phrases
·        Phrases coined with rarely-heard or new phrases have the capability to rapidly become a meme or cliché and they work well to belittle achievements. Political marketing consultant coins or uses phrases such as   ‘elective dictator ship’; ‘elected Hitler’ ‘ humble leader’; ‘tyranny of majority’.
Political marketing through non-linguistic meaning
·       Political marketing consultant applies non-linguistic meaning to convey such as USA-Pak relationships are depicted as the predator-prey relationships to convey strong intrinsic life and death meaning.
Excellent ads
·       Excellent ads exploit the words; they play on the literal and figurative meaning of the same word: the ad of Old Purr (Scotch Whisky) is the best example: picture of a man poised to gamble is receiving old Purr and a text says: ‘I never gamble at the table’.

Format:         Leader/Party-Information Format
Campaign:    1990
Newspaper: Jung
From:             Islamic Democratic Alliance
Ad:      Value ad
Ad N:  6
This ad mentions the disservice of Benazir to Kashmir to insinuate that she is not loyal to the cause of Kashmir. The service of Benazir is situated on a symbolic context (picture of knife into Kasmir) that imparts meanings to the service. This ad works by fusing two composite systems of signs or two codes within the framework of a single message_ the service code and a setting code. In generating the overall meaning of the ad, these codes are synthesized by juxtaposition and some narrative device. The symbolic association is thus established and that brings the ‘service’ into a meaningful relationship with abstract values and ideas signified by a recognizable object Knife which reminds people about the well known maximum ‘Stab in the back.’
At denotative level, ad quotes the words of Indian P.M, and response of Pakistani P.M to it. This ad applies historical and political code to state at connotative level that Kashmir problem has not been solved yet, and it is not the part of India, but ‘Smile of Benazir’ which indicates consent (cultural code) to the wrong statement of Indian P.M tantamount to the treachery to the cause of Kashmir; thus turning this smile into a gauge for constructing image of Benazir. The words ‘oppressed daughter and sons are paying the price’ mean that this consent has inflicted the great suffering upon already oppressed people of Kashmir (ramifications of such consent).

The line ‘Champion of the Jihad of Kashmir’ indicates that Islamic Democratic alliance does not accept the Indian P.M statement and resist Benazir to yield Kashmir
‘Make your destiny yourself; put stamp on Cycle’ does not blend with text. It could be ‘Protect Kasmir; support Isamic Democratic Alliance’
