Pointing to shirt, Lemmings, Political marketing through hyperbole, Fallacy, Quote.

Pointing to shirt, Lemmings, Political marketing through hyperbole, Fallacy, Quote. By Dr. Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism.
  {Two apples in a day must keep two doctors away.}
Pointing to shirt
·        Whenever one part of me complains about my failures in life, the other part points to my shirt. This intellectual shortcut may not fit well with people; therefore, it is not for them; it fits well with me, therefore it is for me; me only, and I am perfectly comfortable with it. Failures are complex and I cannot face them; and pointing to a single cause, be it the devil, helps me maintain the composure so dear to me intact.
Paradox of confused lemmings.
·       Democracy has to be representative to be a true democracy; and a true democracy cannot necessarily be a representative democracy. Leaders treat polling statistics as gospel but popular course is not always the right course.
Political marketing through hyperbole
·        Political marketing consultant having realized that the position of his candidate lacks on the side of a reason hones the rhetorical skills of a candidate. Candidate engages opponents in hyperbole and when rhetoric triumphs over reason so the side better in rhetoric is perceived to be better in reason.
·       Every politician is hardly the first and last politician to tell a lie. (lie must have started from some politician)

·       Creativity in arts exploits as well as transcends the limits imposed by the definition of genre.

Format:         Leader/Party-Information Format
Campaign:    1990
Newspaper: Jung
From:             Islamic Democratic Alliance
Ad:      Value ad
Ad N:10

Communicative techniques borrowed from other media expanded ad’s ability to talk about services in a way that pictorial presentation supports text and vice versa. Ad connects man with service: ‘Nawaz is not fire-eating demagogue; actions always catch up to what he vows’ by making the services and the man who is providing them the centre of attention. No reference is made to the user or the context of the use of the service; the text is used primarily to describe the service and the provider of service, characteristics of services and performance of the provider. Ad contains visual that emphasize the leader’s contribution; and text that emphasizes the effectiveness of the services and rational arguments linking these services to the man who is willing to serve the country in a way he has served the province of Punjab as the Chief Minister of Punjab, if given a chance by people.  
