Aamir Liaquat ‘The Great Religious Scholar’
By Prof Dr. Sohail Ansari
and worded by Prof DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of
believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism
if it is not for the sake of criticism.
Aamir Liaquat ‘The great religious scholar’
Way back to 90s I happened
to have a chance to watch a Sylvester Stallion’s movie Rocky. I do not remember
a movie as much as I remember one sentence of it. Two boxers had a press
conference before fight. Press reporter said to one boxer (Sylvester Stallion)
‘Do you want to say something derogatory about
your opponent? Sylvester Stallion replied “he is great’’
This is a video….. that contains the response of a scholar to Aamir Liaquat. I added something on my own to the points of scholar.
Extensions of points
Laws are not uniformly
applied to every month of a year. Food-consumption during a day (for prescribed
hours) is forbidden in the month of Ramadan. Consuming food in any month other
than Ramdan is permissible. Men and women performing rituals together are
permissible during Hajj.
Non permissibility of
consuming food during Ramdan and permissibility of performing together in Hajj
are by divine injunction. Only fool can condemn eating in months other than
Ramdan because of thinking that what is forbidden in one month is forbidden in
every month; and only fool can justify men and women together because of
thinking that what is permissible during Hajj is permissible all the time.
There are laws/instructions
in Quran for Purdah (Sheet to cover oneself). How to resolve the apparent contradiction
between instructions to women regarding appearance in non-hajj period (women
are to observe strict Purdah) and instructions to women regarding appearance in
hajj (women do not observe Purdah)?
The only ways to resolve
this contradiction is to understand that the instruction regarding the
appearance of women in Hajj is specific to Hajj only. If one generalizes
(assuming that instructions for hajj are not restricted to Hajj) so it will
create contradiction between laws of Purdah and appearance of women in Hajj.
Fallacy of analogy: comparing program
with Hajj.
One rule must be
remembered that Islam forbids activities or context conducive to stimulating
erotic feelings. Men and women performing Hajj are exclusively devoted to God;
focused on Hajj rituals and immersed in worship. In the program of Aamir Liquat
people are engaged in entirely different or to put correctly in activities
opposite to those of Hajj. Activities of Hajj are calculated for inner
purification; and the milieu of program breeds forbidden intimacy between men
and women. People are motivated not by the will to please God but to please
themselves. (Pursuit of entertainment not worship is the purpose).
says: ‘We will celebrate Ramdan’
Defining feature of
celebration is enjoyment. Celebration is without restriction.
People observe Ramdan as
they are restricted from the things of enjoyments. One says or observes namaz
because one is restricted to certain things in a namaz; or in other words one
is forbidden to do certain things he is otherwise permitted to do such as
talking and walking or eating.
Aamir is right to say,
therefore, that he celebrates Ramdan as he does all of things right in
celebration; but he is not right in
doing so as Ramdan is observed (one is restricted to things) not celebrated.
“If loves of God and of his prophet (P.B.U.H)
envelopes a woman she needs no veil/sheet to cover herself”
Material culture
(objects/things) is the outgrowth of immaterial culture (beliefs/ideas) and
meaningless without it. One demonstrates through his practices, dress, and food
what he believes. Loves of God and of his prophet (P.B.U.H) if exists, then it
must reflect in every aspect of material culture. Logic is ludicrous as it is
reverse: love must reflect in clothes; but the logic of Aamir goes that it must
not if it exists. Proof of love is its presence (reflection) in material
object; but by this logic the proof is in its absence.
This is a video ….that contains the part not covered by scholar; I counter two points myself:
strongly agreed with above Thoughts.. These ‘shows’ have been airing questionable content for some time now, and this year they seemed to have taken it up a notch.