By Dr. Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism.
Quotable Quotes from ‘N’
· As long as nation holds ability to obtain desired results abroad by projecting than exercising power, limits of its power remain unexposed.
· Nepotism is not bad in a society if it approves entitlement by birth.
New but not different
· If new dish can be enjoyed according to established expectations for satisfaction, it is either new but not different or different but not new.
New life/rebirth
· ‘A new life’ in medical sense is a return from a point of no return to former self. It is a new beginning to do same things. ‘A new life’ in spiritual sense begins from point of return and continues as long as one does not return to former self. It is a new beginning to do different things. One is gift for you from doctor and other is gift for you from you.
Non-practicing preacher and non-practicing naked man
· Same words of non practicing preacher and naked man selling a shirt ‘do what I say but do not do what I do’ prove different things. They prove the former fool as he is not benefited form beneficial and the latter clever as he is not harmed from thing he is claiming to be beneficial.
Non-capitalist society
· Society can’t be anti-capitalist as long as it likes the things only unequal distribution of money can buy
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