B & Addiction
B & Addiction
By Dr. Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded by
DR.Sohail. ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there
can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is
not for the sake of criticism.
Addiction is born out
of activity that has taken on a life of its own, not making addict great in
fulfilling it but bad in not doing so.
Quotable quotes from ‘B’
· Bee is liked for honey but judging a person by his
words not by his contribution is liking bee for bee.
· In culture of corruption one can only be best by
being worst.
· One can truly be best for being best for a job
that is not best for him.
· Book is really cheap if its expensiveness is only
due to its expansiveness
· Book is good if it repays the investment of
reader’s time, and good in itself if it repays the right investment of reader’s
· Important book defines itself by its power to stay
as long as the stuff it deals does; and interesting book defines itself by its
power to make you stay as long as the stuff it deals does.
· Book on much familiar topic can catch popularity
by catching something that has eluded account so far.
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