Nuanced deception#, Validity is denying consequent, not antecedent#, fallacy#.
Nuanced deception#, Validity is denying consequent, not
antecedent#, fallacy#.
By Dr. Sohail Ansari
and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of
believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates
criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism.
To be devil’s perfect apprentice, one must create a sin that has a
life of its own.
In deceptive reasoning, premise that indicates inductive
probability is presented as entailing conclusion so that suggested truth is
ensured; for example, 90% of politicians are corrupt; A is a corrupt politician,
therefore, A is probably corrupt. However, the probability that A is corrupt is
is denying the consequent not denying the antecedent.
§ If I am
the president of the USA, then I can veto congress. I am not the president;
therefore, I cannot veto congress.
§ If I
can veto congress, then I am president of the USA. I cannot veto; therefore, I
am not president.
of not vetoing is the proof of not president because if one does not veto, he
remains president anyhow.
More old people visit doctors
than young people. More old people die than young people; therefore, if as many
old people as young people visit doctors so as many old people as young people
will die.
· More old people visit doctors, more they die;
hence, we conclude that if less old people visit, less old people will die.
· More old
people than young people visit doctors, but young people visit doctor more, we
know old people die more, so if lesser old people than young people start
visiting doctors more, more young people than old people will die.
More young than old go
to war; therefore, more young than old die more in a war.
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