We Are Not Butterflies, Quotable Quotes, Three Men Make A Tiger, Third Cause Fallacy, Fallacy Of Accident, PHILOSOPHY And Politics, Nonsequitor/Denying The Antecedent & Affirming A Disjunct

We Are Not Butterflies, Quotable Quotes, Three Men Make A Tiger, Third Cause Fallacy, Fallacy Of Accident, PHILOSOPHY And Politics, Nonsequitor/Denying The Antecedent & Affirming A Disjunct By Dr. Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism.

Quotable Quotes
·        World of ours has grown so impure that we can not have even pure parents: A good father has to be a little bit of a mother to be a good father and so does a mother.
·       Understanding on our part that divine grace speaks through the endurance of things beneficial to our existence can only help us to understand that the repetition in nature is not a mere recurrence but a theatrical encore.
We are not butterflies
·        Children have no pining as they neither look before nor after, and always live for as animals do in the moment and therefore, have neither hopes nor regrets. As one graduates to bigger role in life, he grows conscious of his life in time and not merely of his life at the moment. The intellectual maturity sets one apart from animals; these distinguishing mental attribute, on the one hand, gives life many grounds for poignancy and pondering; and on the other, gives meaning to it. Understanding that life is not all what at the moment is, and one does live all by himself, enables one to rise above immediate pleasure and above himself. Our capacity for foreboding and regret for things can not be undone spoil all occasions for contentment, tempting us to break through our obsession with the tragedy of time and capture rare fleeting moment untroubled by the nagging fear gnawing at our soul.
We must not contrive to have tomorrow overshadows our present. We would certainly not have done so if we were not humans and were butterflies. Butterflies are carefree because perhaps they don’t know or perhaps they do but surely they do not care that future as we know and care as human must care does not take care of itself. Our regret for things we can not undo has the restraining influence on us when we do things; and our foreboding pre-empt life from becoming intolerable.
Three men make a tiger
(Political marketing consultant levers\ plants reliable people in media so due to the repetitiveness of slanderous talk the unfound premise can be erroneously accepted as the truth).
Third cause fallacy
(A member of the questionable cause group of fallacies that ignores third cause to prove nonexistent causality)
·       Opposition leader when not hobnobbing then talking of impending stock market crash. A doom merchant does not realize or most possibly does not want to realize the cost of such ‘escapades’. Whenever he says, his words trigger a flurry of jittery activities and become the self-fulfilling prophecy.
Fallacy of accident
(Applying exception to define the rule)
·       I warn all people not to condemn my followers; they are not criminals and if they are as they say so are the surgeons cutting people and so are firefighters entering people’s home uninvited.
PHILOSOPHY and Politics
‘In broad sense, all questions of political philosophy are related to fundamental issues of general philosophy, and secondly, that there can be no balanced understanding of group life without a penetrating grasp of the motivations, tensions, and anxieties of the individual. The contributions which philosophy can make to a better understanding of politics are immense. No study of the fundamental problems of political philosophy can be fruitful with out the awareness that they are intimately related to the basic issue of general philosophy. Every theory of state and society, and of the position of the individual in them, derives__ more often unconsciously than consciously_ from a more comprehensive conception of the world and man’s place in it. In particular, the possibility of human knowledge, the pivotal challenge of all philosophical inquiry, has a direct bearing on primary political conceptions and attitudes. Though it may be difficult to argue that certain types of political outlook, a remarkable parallelism exists between basic philosophical and political conceptions, a parallelism which is partly psychological, and partly historical’.
Nonsequitor/Denying the antecedent
(Effective tool for ultra nationalist or chauvinist)
·       India is for Indian, if you are Indian then you are Hindu and if you are not Hindu then you are not Indian.
Affirming a disjunct  
(Fallacy of definition of or in propositional logic to be inclusive)

·       Whoever loves his country lives in his country. You live and love, you hate and leave: the leader of opposition lives abroad, therefore, he does not love the country he aspires to rule.
