Lecture No 1 law VS ethics (for the students of the Dept of Media studies of SBBU)

 “And march forth toward forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious.  Those who spend (in the way of God) in prosperity and in adversity, who repress anger, and who pardon people; verily, God loves the doers of the good deeds.”  (Quran 3:133)

Difference between law and ethics
The law has sanctions (punishments) that discourage people from doing harm to others.
Ethics are based on the moral code of the society in which we operate. That "society" may be your family, your ethnic group, your country, your company or your group of friends.
The law is generally fixed within a country, but ethics may vary from society to society.


Decide whether the following are legal or ethical situations.
Make your decision by clicking the radio button.
Your score is: 0/6
1.  We see our colleague stealing disposable materials from the lab. We choose not to report it because we want to maintain the friendship with our colleague.

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Legal  Ethical 
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2.   Computer scientists should not use a computer to harm other people.

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Legal  Ethical 
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3.   You should not use a computer to steal.

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Legal  Ethical 
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4.   Ignorance is no excuse.

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Legal  Ethical 
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5.   Computer scientists should think about the social consequences of the computer program they are writing or the network system they are designing. 

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Legal  Ethical 
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6.   I know it's wrong, but I'll continue doing it because the chances of getting caught are low.

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Legal  Ethical 
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Your score is 0/6.
What is difference law and ethics?
In general, ethics are moral philosophy where a person makes a specific moral choice and sticks to it, whereas law is a system that comprises of rules and principles to govern a society. Though, ethics are based on the goodwill of law, ethics completely differ in their foundation, basis and purpose.

(The good reputation or brand identification enjoyed by a commercial entity. In bankruptcy and other areas of lawgoodwill is considered an intangible asset. Good will is generally calculated as the difference between the purchase price of a company and the sum of its fair market value).
Difference Between Law and Ethics
In simple terms, the law may be understood as the systematic set of universally accepted rules and regulation created by an appropriate authority such as government, which may be regional, national, international, etc. It is used to govern the action and behavior of the members and can be enforced, by imposing penalties.
Many times the term law is juxtaposed with the term ethics, but there is a difference, as ethics are the principles that guide a person or society, created to decide what is good or bad, right or wrong, in a given situation. It regulates a person’s behavior or conduct and helps an individual in living a good life, by applying the moral rules and guidelines.
For a layman, these two terms are same, but the fact is that there is a difference between law and ethics. Read the article carefully, to overcome your ambiguities.

Content: Law Vs Ethics

Difference Between Law and Ethics

In simple terms, the law may be understood as the systematic set of universally accepted rules and regulation created by an appropriate authority such as government, which may be regional, national, international, etc. It is used to govern the action and behavior of the members and can be enforced, by imposing penalties.
Many times the term law is juxtaposed with the term ethics, but there is a difference, as ethics are the principles that guide a person or society, created to decide what is good or bad, right or wrong, in a given situation. It regulates a person’s behavior or conduct and helps an individual in living a good life, by applying the moral rules and guidelines.
For a layman, these two terms are same, but the fact is that there is a difference between law and ethics. Read the article carefully, to overcome your ambiguities.

Content: Law Vs Ethics

Comparison Chart

The law refers to a systematic body of rules that governs the whole society and the actions of its individual members.
Ethics is a branch of moral philosophy that guides people about the basic human conduct.
What is it?
Set of rules and regulations
Set of guidelines
Governed By
Individual, Legal and Professional norms
Expressed and published in writing.
They are abstract.
Violation of law is not permissible which may result in punishment like imprisonment or fine or both.
There is no punishment for violation of ethics.
Law is created with an intent to maintain social order and peace in the society and provide protection to all the citizens.
Ethics are made to help people to decide what is right or wrong and how to act.
Law has a legal binding.
Ethics do not have a binding nature.

Definition of Law

The law is described as the set of rules and regulation, created by the government to govern the whole society. The law is universally accepted, recognized and enforced. It is created with the purpose of maintaining social order, peace, justice in the society and to provide protection to the general public and safeguard their interest. It is made after considering ethical principles and moral values.
The law is made by the judicial system of the country. Every person in the country is bound to follow the law. It clearly defines what a person must or must not do. So, in the case of the breach of law may result in the punishment or penalty or sometimes both.

Definition of Ethics

By ethics, we mean that branch of moral philosophy that guides people about what is good or bad. It is a collection of fundamental concepts and principles of an ideal human character. The principles help us in making decisions regarding, what is right or wrong. It informs us about how to act in a particular situation and make a judgment to make better choices for ourselves.
Ethics are the code of conduct agreed and adopted by the people. It sets a standard of how a person should live and interact with other people.

Key Differences Between Law and Ethics

The major differences between law and ethics are mentioned below:
1.    The law is defined as the systematic body of rules that governs the whole society and the actions of its individual members. Ethics means the science of a standard human conduct.
2.  The law consists of a set of rules and regulations, whereas Ethics comprises of guidelines and principles that inform people about how to live or how to behave in a particular situation.
3.  The law is created by the Government, which may be local, regional, national or international. On the other hand, ethics are governed by an individual, legal or professional norms, i.e. workplace ethics, environmental ethics and so on.
4.  The law is expressed in the constitution in a written form. As opposed to ethics, it cannot be found in writing form.
5.  The breach of law may result in punishment or penalty, or both which is not in the case of breach of ethics.
6.  The objective of the law is to maintain social order and peace within the nation and protection to all the citizens. Unlike, ethics that are the code of conduct that helps a person to decide what is right or wrong and how to act.
7.   The law creates a legal binding, but ethics has no such binding on the people.


Law and ethics are different in a manner that what a person must do and what a person should do. The former is universally accepted while the latter is ideal human conduct, agreed upon by most of the people. Although, both the law and ethics are made in alignment so that they do not contradict each other. Both go side by side, as they provide how to act in a particular manner. Every person is equal in the eyes of law and ethics, i.e. nobody is superior or inferior. Further, these two allow a person to think freely and choose.

Law - it refers to set of guidelines which governs the society, government bodies, institutions..
Ethics - ethics refers to set of moral values which guides persons behaviour…
In conflict between law and ethics, former is prevail over the other because law may be punishable offence whereas no punishment for violating ethics….
Law is common for masses but ethics is a moral obligation on any individual which he /she learns from family, society, school etc
Law is binding on the society whereas ethics is not binding
Law are written rules whereas ethics are abstract
Law is made to bring peace and social order in society whereas ethics is made to how particular individuals behave with other individuals and it help to differentiate between what is right and wrong…

First of all, we need to know the meaning of Laws and Ethics, which lead us to recognize the differences between them.
Laws: Laws are set of rules which are legislated by an authentic and legitimate authority which can force and obligate others to do something or leave.
Ethics: Ethics is the set of rules and norms that is efficient and effective to get in the way of perfection.
According to these definitions, there are 5 important differences between Laws and Ethics:
1. The difference in target and goal:
The most basic and most important difference between ethics and moral issues is the difference in goals. The purpose of legal cases is providing worldly interests of a community, while the first purpose of ethics is to adorn the humankind to virtues and cleaning them of vices. This goal is the introduction of ethics` ultimate goal which is providing the material and spiritual prosperity of mankind.
2. Intention
Human intention has no value to carry out a legal action while the intention in ethical issues has a direct impact on the value of that work.
For instance: Trustworthiness (taking care of trust)) is such a thing which can be considered as a legal and ethical issue. It means that both legal and ethical rules, adjudicate on the necessity of integrity.
But the difference between them is that if someone does it without any intention, or because of fear of punishment, he has just done something which only has the legal value, while trustworthiness with the divine or any ethical intentions, cause to be considered as an ethical value.
3. Exterior sanction
In the legal rules, legislator has considered special sanctions for the laws and their practice, which everyone who does not perform and carry them out, those sanctions will punish him/her.
But there is not any sanction for ethical issues, so there would be no punishment for everyone who violates these issues and rules.
4. Limitation of legal rules to human social behavior
Legal rules and rights are only about the human social behaviors, while ethical rules are about both social and individual behaviors.
5. Generality, stability and immortality basic moral principles
The basic moral and ethical principles are always general, stable and eternal, principles such as beauty of justice and evil of injustice are.
But the legal rules can be changed due to worldly interests and evils, time, location etc.

Law is kind of a rule imposed on any act,
 whereas Ethics are the moral values confined to every individual or society.
For eg: Take the temple scenario in India, it is a law that everyone irrespective of caste and creed shall have the rights to get the divine blessings of God if he/she is willing to seek it.
But, looking at the ethical values, everyone should stand in a queue to have a glance at God and seek his blessings since everyone is same before the eyes of God.
Then why do we need Special dharisanam/ poojas and short route to see God for those pay excess money.
If God is for all, then everyone should be treated equal irrespective of their financial status. It is really unethical.
Laws are rules which you must follow.
Ethics is the study of morality.
Laws are often rules based on morals. For example, it is illegal to kill because people generally find murder immoral.
However, laws do not prevent all immoral actions or allow all moral actions. I cannot speed at 100 mph in heavy traffic to take a dying child to the hospital without getting a ticket, but it is legal to share answers on homework despite the fact that (imo) it is very immoral.
Everyone has different morals so ethics is more about asking what should I do rather than what I think is right or wrong.
Note: Much of this was paraphrased from Bonnie Fremgen’s Medical Law and Ethics and Marci A. Lewis, et al Medical Law, Ethics, and Bioethics.

Ethics is related to Heart and feelings.
Law is related to Brain and logics.
In hostel if you take ball pen of your friend without saying him ethically it is right but it unlawful.
Euthanasia (the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease)Killing is unlawful, but putting someone out of their misery and ending their suffering is ethically right.
Of course, there are also these quotes:
“The ethical man knows what is right; the moral man does what is right.” – Anonymous

Laws are rules that are enacted by human beings with political agendas and cultural views of acceptable behavior. They are a statement of how a society wants people to behave. Depending on the country, those laws may reflect the will of the people who they govern (in republics and democracies) or they may just be the will of a dictator or monarch who had the power to enact them.
However derived, laws may or may not confirm to your or my view of what is ethically acceptable. This is subjective. If you like the law, then you will find it ethical. If you disagree with the law's policy, then you may view it as unethical. Or you may disagree with it but find it simply unwise rather than unethical, I suppose.
Law and ethics are two frameworks that sometimes reach the same result. The former reflects the views of those who have political power to make and enforce rules: the latter is a subjective view of how one should treat other people.
A short version. Laws are rules and acted according to specific express quite here yet by competent authorities and enforced by the state which give you specific rights and obligations ultimately that by the courts and in the last instance the police.
Ethics are what are you ought to do, a matter on which there is no general agreement in many cases, no authoritative body to make a final determination, and no mechanism of enforcement. Laws and ethics can be divergent, and often do.
Many laws are bad, although given the nature of ethics, people disagree about which ones.
Law and ethics are to some extent the same but not completely. This is because some rules of law stem up from ethics such as Respect for human rights, gender equality etc.. The main difference of law and ethics is that, ethics is something human. What i mean by this is that ethics are basic fundamental human principles of conduct that if one possess them makes that particular person someone with good morals i can say, it makes that person accepted in society somehow. Being an unethical somebody doesnt really mean youre breaking the law but it does if the act of that person goes against a law that promotes good ethics such as laws against discrimination based on gender, race, nationality etc….
