Unarmed Prophets; Complex fallacies

Unarmed Prophets; Complex fallacies  By Dr. Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism.
·      If for a writer contradictions in chronology among his books are more important than their overall unity; so each of his book can be independently satisfying but they may have no cumulative effect.

Unarmed Prophets
·        When one of many permitted perceptions on and of life is declared as the only perception the ideology petrifies. Thinking is thinking if it is on the lines thought to be the only lines and the vision is to see the world in the light thought to be the only permitted light. Philosophers are caught on the horns of a dilemma either they cease to be intellectuals or they end by being disarmed. Many believe that philosopher’s task is merely to interpret the world; however many differ and say not merely to interpret the world but to change it as well. The unarmed prophets and straitjacketed intellectuals are not even allowed to interpret the world.   
Complex fallacies 
·      Confession that is partially true is the partial confession.
·       A statement that has in it a part that is confession is the statement of partial confession.

Format:         Leader/Party-Information Format
Campaign:    2002
Newspaper: Jung
From:             Muslim League
Ad:      Value ad
Ad N: 25

Picture generates meaning through connotation. The positioning of the Nawaz’s hands __ holding slackly the bar__ indicates the feebleness of one prostrate with grief over injustice. Melancholy is writ large on his eyes, blending in with the facial expressions.

These all go toward creating an aura of poignancy. Though text guides the interpretation of visual imagery, visual connotations of man behind the bar with such facial expression are so familiar that all concomitants of the culture of impunity and scapegoat are called forth, accomplishing the fusion of service code and setting code (bar) in  a way that perfectly underscores the enormity of heinous injustice. Ad informs that Nawaz was punished for putting country on the road to progress and stability by those who view such services a great crime. In addition to that, bar below the surface suggests that one is unjustly barred to serve people.

Ad imparts value many of us lack, like unconditional love that willingly embraces sufferings and pain of the children of God, like devotional commitment to build country, while illustrating how Nawaz returned one other but equally missing value: the will to make country impervious to foreign aggression. Nawaz, as ads implies, embodies in him these values, but only question the ad poses is regarding the banishment as the reciprocation of one feat: “Is this the reward of making Pakistan nuclear state?”

Nawaz was given a chance twice to make a difference and he was able to deliver: nuclear tests; Motor way; Air ports; and Blue cap scheme. One achievement: bestowing on Pakistan a nuclear status was so great and novel that whole new vocabulary of superlatives was invented to laud him. Banishment in this context ad subtly implies is such a great injustice that defies description.  


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