Occult symbols are veiled woman; Hope inoblivion; Conduit Metaphor in communication; Definition of sexual equality based on gender distinction. Pride of ignorance Quotes Points to ponder

Occult symbols are veiled woman; Hope inoblivion; Conduit Metaphor in communication; Definition of sexual equality based on gender distinction. Pride of ignorance
Quotes Points to ponder By Dr. Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism.
·        If content of work, not the work’s form, is the most decisive factor in determining its impact, as everyone says so, a boy written an excellent poem in the essay competition must not be penalized.
Occult symbols are veiled woman
o  Woman is beautiful as long as she is veiled. It means that dignity of woman is in a veil; however it has one another interesting meaning that a woman was thought to be beautiful as long as she was veiled. Occult symbols are veiled woman; they exert a great impact on people as long as individuals are not personally introduced to their esoteric meanings.
·        Hope in oblivion
§  Happiness is desirable for every human being; if one seeks intoxication for the momentary cessation of feelings that happiness is unachievable, he has taken refuge in oblivion: he has given up hope except in oblivion.
Conduit Metaphor in communication
Use of Language as a sealed pipe line
·        People are to understand the concepts of leader and feel the feelings of a leader. People are to be moved by the feelings of a leader so that they are charged enough to implement them. Political marketing consultant uses conduit metaphor to conceptualize and structure language so that he can insert mental content into words for people to understand. Political marketing consultant uses words as containers so that recipients in extracting mental content get filled with emotions. 
Use of Language as an open pipe line
·       Thoughts of a leader are to be transferred, however, if political marketing consultant feels that it is dangerous for a leader to be recognized as the source of thoughts so he uses language as an open pipe spilling mental content into the void. He ejects mental content into an external space so concepts can float around. People extract these reified concepts viewing them as concrete and ultimately get familiar. Ideas out do some good by appearing to be good.
Definition of sexual equality based on gender distinction.
·       ‘The world ruled together by a male to represent reflection and a female to represent sentiment’. This complementarity does not reject the belief that they are innate differences between men and women as all those do those ascribe male-female differences to socialization and education rather it foresees an equally important social and political role for both sexes.
Pride of ignorance
·       There are people who instead of being ashamed of ignorance are proud of it. They believe ignorance is blessing as it blithely makes one oblivious of problems gnawing away at the soul of the world. One is happy as long as one is oblivious of a beast stalking him and remains so as long as it does not catch up with him.
o  Propaganda disseminated as news is the partial information reported as news.
o   One can become popular because of program but program can only become popular because of him if he is worth the program. 
o   Porn only greases the wheel for the less commercial book as justification of it goes; but as a matter of fact, in most cases, it is the wheel itself.
o   Appearing poor has its own benefits. You are always requested to accept than to give donation.   
Points to ponder
·       Phrase truth projection hides its true meaning and intent. It is the managing of perception by conveying or denying selected information to influence objective reasoning.
·       The main purpose of communication is to hide than to communicate; however it does not mean, as it is usually thought so, hiding absolutely or communicating false hood, it means phrasing statement so that it contains lesser than essential (required to make judgment) information.
