Quotes, God Is Not A Human, The Elite Of Science, Ad-hoc Pleading Through Arbitrary Premise, Straw Man, Ad Hominem, Invoking False Analogies To Draw Parallelism, Word-magic & Strength And Weakness Of Content Analysis

Quotes, God Is Not A Human, The Elite Of Science, Ad-hoc Pleading Through Arbitrary Premise, Straw Man, Ad Hominem, Invoking False Analogies To Draw Parallelism, Word-magic & Strength And Weakness Of Content Analysis By Dr. Sohail Ansari
Conceived and worded by DR Sohail Ansari (originality of concepts and originality of words).
He believes that there can never be a zero scope for improvement and appreciates criticism if it is not for the sake of criticism.
·        A sin is a fulfillment of the legitimate desires through illegitimate means, but if books profiting from calamity are not morally despicable as demands_ as arguments go_ for such books legitimize them so there is no such thing as a sin.
·       Disabusing is much more difficult then rehabilitation. Addict hates to love his addiction while adherent loves to love his beliefs.
·       If codes governing genres were detrimental to innovations, novels and dramas of today would not be different from those of past.  
God is not a human
·        If impossible is not a relative term, then even God can not change a past. Time travel is not likely for us as for us causality violation is impossible. Creation can not be superior than creator; Creator of the laws of physics can as He can only stop cause from preceding effects; as a matter of fact immutability of the laws is a divine favor; scientist would permanently be out of work as invalidity of initials conditions would make universe  undeterministic.
The elite of science  
·       Laurels of social scientists prove them people of aristocratic intellect as unlike other intellectual enterprises, conceptual constructs of social scientists are quickly absorbed because of human facility for truths of human affairs into conventional wisdom.
{A Leader needs no justification for his actions as his opponents would never believe it, and his followers need not any.}
Ad-hoc pleading through arbitrary premise  
·        A leader failed because everyone was so skeptical of his credentials.
Straw Man
(Having an unknown mechanism is not the same thing as demonstrably impossible; however, political marketing practitioner equates them to invent a caricature of opponent’s positions __ ‘a straw man’__ but not the actual position so that audience can never find that opponent’s position is much more nuanced than projected)
·        The clamor international media make for the ‘shadowy practices’ of our president is ludicrous; home-grown journalists are always better situated for prying and a fact the there is not a single report or even an article in a national media, suggesting his implication in any scam proves him a man of a squeaky clean image.
Ad hominem
·       The scum of the earth dare to condemn the spiritual leader for his refusal to account for his reversal of fortune that made a man of a humble origin rich, by the grace of God, beyond imagination.
Invoking false analogies to draw parallelism
·        Just because two things are analogous in someway; they become analogous in every way so to create a leader in the image of a certain darling of a nation; for example two leaders can be similar in their resolve to cleanse country of corruption; but they may be different in their capabilities or vice versa.
Rearrangement of ingredients in a recipe may not as likely to produce difference in taste as rearrangement of words does in meaning.
·        He was alone in doing it but he is not alone in doing it alone; and he is alone in doing it alone but not alone in doing it.
·        Politician assumes office and vows that no man will be a poor man and finishes his tenure and sums up his achievement in a sentence ‘every man is not a poor man’
Words without rearrangement can create different meanings for two different people.
·        ‘Bringing Hindu and Muslim closer’, Hindu means and so does Muslim that other moves further from his own to come closer to him.
The content analysis first form descriptive categories by deliberately restricting itself to ensuring the manifest or “surface” content of the messages under study and then applies the same set of criteria to all the data under examination. “Content analysis is a research technique for the systematic and quantitative description of the manifest content of communication”.
“Content analysis is a versatile research technique in mass communications where data obtained can be analyzed systematically and scientifically to draw valid conclusion”.
Content analysis does not believe in any reading between lines; ideally, the account should be limited to what is apparent to every one but this idealness becomes the real weakness for the ad analysis:” The content analysis stipulates that only those symbols and combinations of symbols actually appearing in the messages be recorded. In other words, at the coding stage of research, the stage at which specified words, themes, and the like are located in the text and placed into categories, one is limited to recording only those items which actually appear in the document”
 “The real weakness in content analysis, especially for the study of advertising, lies in its restricted range of application. As it is obvious, it can deal only with manifest content, that is, the surface or denotative level of message. Modern advertising, especially in the age of market segmentation, works at important connotative levels of communication with multiple levels of meaning, most ads today have a latent meaning that audience are asked to “fill in” and thus participate in completing the message”
Content analysis can judge the differences in number of advertising formats (quantitative difference) but it cannot judge the difference in application of advertising formats or qualitative difference in presentation of values or leader.
“Content analysis puts too much emphasis on the ‘repeatability’ of signs (that is, the number of times they occur), and too little on their significance for the audience. No matter how often something appears in the message system, if the reader or viewer can not understand it, or understand it but not felt moved by it, then the repetition is irrelevant: it is not the significance of repetition that is important but the repetition of significance. Because content analysis does not pose questions about the meaning of items and its effectiveness with in a message, the repetitions it detect either have no understandable context or no understanding\determinable power of manipulation”.
“The absence of theory of signs, signification and significance renders content analysis absurd because its key concept is left unsupported and that concept gives it no knowledge of its avowed object and its effectiveness, the content”
Content analysis is concerned with the frequencies of signs with in ads regardless of the audience’s interpretation and the degree of their susceptibility to them, because it has no theory of signification. For our purpose we can add that content analysis is only concerned with the frequencies of formats (how many are applied) but not with the quality of formats (how formats are applied).
