The act of referring is as dubious as the reference itself By Dr sohail Ansari

“The unjust shall not have any compassionate friend nor any intercessor who should be obeyed.” Qur'an, 40:18. “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, and please the widow's cause,” (Isaiah 1:17).


Citation can never be for the sake of it. “Citing” refers to giving an example of some subject for substantiating oneself. Examples are given and books or sites are cited to develop claims or to counter any reasoning.
A responder states: ‘problem is that the left likes to scream all the time, and that’s what we end up hearing’
Left misguides  through screaming (that black suffers otherwise reality is otherwise) is what a responder suggests, therefore,  to put us in the right perspective a responder should have cited some conservative and right-wing media, but he refers to that claims to be the left wing media.
A very short book, “The Three Languages of Politics” by Arnold Kling offers a way to see through our rhetorical blinders so that we can incorporate new perspectives, and nuances. This book defines a left-leaning vs right-leaning media:  The basic idea is that one group (left one) tends to evaluate things on a scale of oppressed vs oppressor, another group (right one) tends to evaluate things on a scale of civilization vs barbarianism.
John Barnes writes: ‘The best way to tell the political bias of a web site, newspaper or any other media is to observe who is demonized and who is praised. Progressive or left-leaning web sites favor Democratic politicians (Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, etc.) and leftist academics such as Paul Krugman and Norm Chomsky. The New York Times is the Left’s primus inter pares newspaper. Huffington Post is probably the most popular leftist website, where you can pick up leftist talking points as provided by, which tends to originate many leftist ideas, which ‘fellow travelers’ then parrot.’
One is informed before he reads an article: The systemic collapse of the US society ‘that this article was written for the Unz Review. The Unz Review claims to be the alternative media that offers a collection of interesting, important and controversial perspectives largely excluded from the American mainstream media. 
The book ‘Alternative Media’ by Atton and Chris states: ‘Alternative media tend to be non-commercial projects that advocate the interests of those excluded from the mainstream, for example, the poor, political and ethnic minorities, labor groups, and LGBT identities.
There are two good academic studies : ‘Fissures in the mediascape an international study of citizens' media by Clemencia Rodriguez. And ‘Alternative and Activist New Media’ by Leah A. Lievrouw.
Both books agree that: ‘Alternative media challenge the dominant beliefs and values of a culture and have been described as "counter-hegemonic" by adherents of Antonio Gramsci's theory of cultural hegemony.

Antonio Francesco Gramsci was an Italian Marxist philosopher and communist politician. Antonio Gramsci is famous for his theory of cultural hegemony In Marxist philosophy, cultural hegemony is the domination of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class who manipulate the culture of that society —

‘Alternative media thus have to be left media. The Unz Review claims to be the alternative media, but do not seem to be living up to its claim because instead of being "counter-hegemonic" by disseminating marginalized viewpoints, and advocating the interests of those excluded from the mainstream, Unz Review through the article:  The systemic collapse of the US society’ rationalizes and condones the violence against black and sanitizes the brutalities unleashed against black by the white.
