The Impotency of Rhetoric By Prof Dr Sohail Ansari & Contemporary Social Theories
“Everything rises and falls
on leadership.” —John C. Maxwell
Empty Rhetoric
· Rhetoric is impotent
if it fails to catch up with action. All speakers can be the flamethrower of
fire eating rhetoric, but rhetoric is not a noun, it’s a verb.
I think that we all do heroic things, but hero is
not a noun, it's a verb. Robert Downey, Jr.
Abdullah bin Umar
reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,“All of
you are shepherds and each of you is responsible for his flock. An Imam is a
shepherd and he is responsible for those in his care. A man is a shepherd in
respect of his family and is responsible for those in his care. The woman is a
shepherd in respect of her husband’s house and is responsible for what is in
her care. The servant is a shepherd in respect of his master’s property and is
responsible for what is in his care. All of you are shepherds and each of you
is responsible for his flock.”
Sociology 319 – Contemporary Social
February 13, 2006
Quotes from Herbert Blumer
1. Symbolic interaction. The term “symbolic
interaction” refers, of course, to the
peculiar and distinctive character of interaction as it takes place between
human beings. The peculiarity consists
in the fact that human beings interpret or “define” each other's actions
instead of merely reacting to each other's actions. Their
“response” is not made directly to the actions of one another but instead is
based on the meaning which they attach to such actions. Thus,
human interaction is mediated by the use of symbols,
by interpretation, or by ascertaining the meaning of one another's
actions. This mediation is equivalent to inserting a process
of interpretation between stimulus and response in
the case of human behavior. (Blumer, p. 180).
2. Society. Human
society is to be seen as consisting of acting people, and the life of the society is to be seen as
consisting of their actions. The acting
units may be separate individuals, collectivities whose members are acting together on a common quest, or
organizations acting on behalf of a constituency …
There is no empirically observable activity
in a human society that does not spring from some acting unit. This
banal statement needs to be stressed in light of the common practice of
sociologists of reducing human society to social
units that do not act – for example, social classes in modern
society. (Blumer, pp. 186-7).
3. Premises. (1) Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meaning
things have for them. (2) The meaning of such things is
derived from, or arises out of, the social
interaction one has with one’s fellows. (3) These meanings are handled
in, and modified through, an interpretive process
used by the person in dealing with the things he encounters. (Blumer, 1969, quoted in Adams and Sydie, p. 166).
Source: Blumer, Herbert. 1962. “Society as
Symbolic Interaction,” in Arnold Rose, editor, Human Behavior and
Social Processes: An Interactionist Approach, Boston,
Houghton Mifflin, pp. 179-192.
Goffman on “interaction
Universal human nature is not a very human thing. By
acquiring it, the person becomes a kind
of construct, built up not from inner psychic
propensities but from moral rules that are impressed upon him from
without. These rules, when followed, determine
the evaluation he will make of himself and his
fellow-participants in the encounter, the distribution of his feelings, and the
kinds of practices he will employ to maintain a specified and obligatory
kind of ritual equilibrium. … Instead of
abiding by the rules, there may be much effort to break them
safely. But if an encounter or undertaking is to be sustained
as a viable system of interaction organized on
ritual principles, then these variations must be held within certain bounds and nicely counterbalanced by corresponding modification in some of the other rules
and understandings. Similarly, the human nature of a
particular set of persons may be specially designed
for the special kind of undertakings in which they participate, but still each
of these persons must have within him something of the balance of
characteristics required of a usable
participant in any ritually organized system of
social activity.
Source: Goffman, Erving. 1967. Interaction Ritual, Chicago,
Aldine, p. 45. HM 291 G59
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